Custody – what a whirlwind term! Many parents will have you believe it’s like juggling flaming torches. You’re faced very often with the legal nuances and what actually works well for the little people.If you’ve ever found yourself wondering “What steps will simplify this process?” while sipping your morning caffeine, you are not alone.
Oh! Herding cats is fun sometimes, said no one EVER! But they continue to dance this school announcement, birthday event and then that sudden shock, seeing your ex walking away with Finding Nemo in hand.
Then we’ve got the legal end. Custody laws are like a mine field; you have to watch each step closely least you step on it and it blows up in your face. Trust me the path has been tred by many before you
The emotional tug of war is next. Ever watched parents try to work out who gets the kids on a Christmas morning. It’s like trying to scale a mountain. Folks can see eye to eye over turkey and a late night ride home. It’s a blend of compassion, straight talk and a gift for the compromise.
Despite the somethings that are not so great about custody, be sure to capture the bright moments. For every tedious negotiation the little accomplishments should give you reason to celebrate – remember that look on your child’s face when they spotted your ex-partner trying to slide in a fake move in Monopoly by subtly whispering “Nice Try!” Those small wins are gold.
This ride might not be a fun, easy walk in the park but parent’s are more likely to step up to the challenge. Embrace it armed with humor, have patience & a little advice from another parent who has been there. And the primary race we contest in custody? Them precious giggles and bed time stories. If only bedtime reads could always be as sweet…