Whale Watching in Maui

A swimmer raises his eyes from the water and exclaims, “Look over there!” For a moment, a humpback leaps into the air and then splashes against Maui’s deep blue sea-glint sky in magnificent display.

glide like graceful dancers across the ocean, spinning with fluid beauty and serenading its depths using clear, resonant songs. Imagine living creatures up to 52 feet long and weighing in at some 30 tons. Despite their bus-like proportions, they move through water with astonishing gracefulness below

When winter arrives in Maui, people are not as likely to be found lounging on the beach with Mai Tais as in other seasons, for Whale Watching is just ahead. The southward migration of these enormous creatures takes place anytime from December through April. They leave their chilling Alaskan seas thermal garages for a warm Hawaiian climate that feels like milk in which to mate and raise young: the stage is set perfectly for an ocean nursery.

So grab those binoculars, get on any vessel you can find, and keep your eyes peeled! This adventure is as thrilling as a treasure hunt. Often, binoculars are superfluous: luminous giants of the deep can glide unexpectedly close as they come near, even up to a mere meter or two from the fore part of a vessel. Talk about being up close and personal with creation-nature: maybe toogos if you’re eager for a refreshing shower!

My cousin and I went whale watching earlier this year. Our guide, a lively marine biologist with tanned skin and whale tattoos crawling all over his limbs, animated their stories almost to the point that you could see and hear the creatures. Especially amusing were tales about mother whales teaching their calves how to breach. Our guide likened it to children jumping from a bed.

If you like boats as much as I do, then why not try a kayak? Paddling alongside A giant of the ocean really brings home both the hugeness of all that water and one’s own small part in it. Finding one’s balance here is not always easy. However, nothing beats the thrill of seeing a graceful whale perform nearby as the sun sets in as private display oversea.

Never fear landlubbers, you won’t be left out. Places like McGregor Point Lookout offer a wide swathe of views ideal for viewing the grand ocean theater from afar. Here, a healthy dose of patience is your best bet if you want to witness these magnificent displays up close.

Feeling daring? Try out a sunset cruise. Picture whales prancing about against a backdrop of vivid sunset colors as the sun slowly sinks below. It’s as if time were brought to a halt with each different choreography swing-whoosh and lift-the curve up a magical pause in serene movement.

Whale watching in Maui is more than just a sightseeing tour–it’s a pilgrimage to the heart. Take in every splash and refrain at this ocean opera where nature shows off its wonders. Take bring along your enthusiasm, perhaps a few tablets for seasickness (if you suffer) and an equally hearty sense of wonder. You’re in for a grand time!

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